
BLOG-ger. SI-nangag (fried rice). it-LOG (fried egg).
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Blogger Tweaks. Style and dare to tweak your blog. Make it custom. Make it different.
Blogger Fixes. Encountered errors, glitches while blogging? Check here for possible solutions.
Blogger Conditional Tags. If, Else then WHAT? Learn the secret behind most of the tweaks on blogger.

post titles with thumbnails on blogger

Others prefer a minimal look to browse over the posts found on blogger archive, label and search pages. It's easier and faster to scan through the posts if they're listed as titles along their corresponding thumbnails. Thus, here is a tweak to show only post titles with thumbnails on blogger archive, label and search pages.

show only post titles on blogger homepage

View demo.

There are several ways to tweak the default posts seen on your blogger home page. You can show snippet of every post, and maybe display them with thumbnails. Or if you prefer a minimal look, you can show only post titles instead.

2 ways to add read more with thumbnails on blogger

Adding read more on blogger may further be tweaked by inserting thumbnails next to it. This can be done in two ways. WITH JAVASCRIPT, and WITHOUT JAVASCRIPT.

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Curabitur sodales leo et quam venenatis eu faucibus quam placerat. Aliquam metus diam, pretium nec commodo at, tristique nec mauris. Vestibulum urna massa, convallis vel laoreet in, ultrices eu nisl. Nulla facilisi. Nam tristique mollis semper. Mauris ac vestibulum lorem. Mauris erat libero, lobortis nec faucibus non, tempor in leo.

Nulla facilisi.
Nulla facilisi.
Nulla facilisi.

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In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean congue, lacus in sagittis tempus, dui risus pretium nunc, semper bibendum arcu libero sollicitudin diam. Pellentesque lectus lectus, consectetur at sodales sit amet, sollicitudin eu augue.