
BLOG-ger. SI-nangag (fried rice). it-LOG (fried egg).
All the tricks, hacks and treats while enjoying your breakfast.

Blogger 101. How-to's, tutorials, all the basics you need to learn about Blogger (dot) com.
Blogger Tweaks. Style and dare to tweak your blog. Make it custom. Make it different.
Blogger Fixes. Encountered errors, glitches while blogging? Check here for possible solutions.
Blogger Conditional Tags. If, Else then WHAT? Learn the secret behind most of the tweaks on blogger.

back up blogger classic templates

Backing up your blog is essential if you are making changes on the HTML codes. This way, you can easily restore to original settings in case something goes wrong. Making a back up of classic templates differs from backing up new templates. With the former, we'll use a "classic" method.

backup classic template

The Copy-and-Paste Method.
copy and paste method

1. Go to TEMPLATE Tab.
2. Choose EDIT HTML.
3. Click on anywhere inside the box containing the code. Press CTRL + A to select all texts. Then, CTRL + C to copy.
4. Open a text editor, e.g. NOTEPAD (for Windows users) or GEDIT (for UBUNTU users). Press CTRL + V to paste.
5. Save.

For new templates, check out this tutorial.
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Nulla facilisi.

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